Tender Details

Amendment no. 5 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme

Basic Details
Tender ID: 2841
Tender Reference Number: HLL/PCD/PMSSY/AIIMS-II/23/14-15 dated 24.12.2014
Tender Title: Amendment no. 5 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
Tender Category: Supply
Location: NOIDA
Final Version: Amendment no.9 regarding extension of closing date and opening for the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
ePublished Date 04-03-2015 05:30 PM
1 Tender for supply of Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
4 Amendment no. 3 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
5 Amendment no. 4 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
7 Amendment no. 6 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
9 Amendment no.8 regarding extension of closing time of submission of online bids to 1800 hrs for the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
10 Amendment no.9 regarding extension of closing date and opening for the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
3 Amendment no. 2 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
2 Amendment no. 1 : Tender for supply of Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
8 Amendment no. 7 regarding extension of closing time for physical submission of tender fee and EMD to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
Work Details
Work Description e-Tender for supply of Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
Pre-Qualification As per Tender Document
Amendment no. 5 8 Kb Download