
Categories Date
Sl. No Title Ref. No. Department/ Category
11 Tender for Disposal of miscellaneous scrap materials (non-metallic) HLL/AFT/MTLS/ SCRAP SALE/NON-METALLIC/2024-25 Scrap sale
12 Tender for Disposal of miscellaneous scrap materials (Metallic) HLL/AFT/MTLS/ SCRAP-SALE/METALLIC/2024-25 Dated: 05/12/2024 Scrap sale
13 RFP for Managing Public Relations and Media Consultancy Services HLL/CCD/PR-MC/2024 Consultancy
14 Soil Investigation for Casualty Block with triage at THQH Thaliparamba, Kannur District, Kerala. HLL/CMO/HCD/SOIL-INV/THQH/TPMB-KNR/2024-25, DT. 11.12.2024 Miscellaneous Works
15 Soil Investigation for Casualty Block with triage & OP Block at THQH Pazhyangadi, Kannur District, Kerala. HLL/CMO/HCD/SOIL-INV/THQH/PGD-KNR/2024-25, DT. 11.12.2024 Miscellaneous Works
16 Soil Investigation for Construction of New Building for NHM training Centre Cum Skill Lab at Malappuram District, Kerala. HLL/CMO/HCD/SOIL-INV/SL/MPM/2024-25, DT. 11.12.2024 Miscellaneous Works
17 Soil Investigation for Setting up of Eye OT and Eye Ward at DH Palakkad, Kerala. HLL/CMO/HCD/SOIL-INV/OT-WD/DH/PKD/2024-25, DT. 11.12.2024 Miscellaneous Works
18 Soil Investigation for Construction of New Building at CHC Periya, Wayanad District, Kerala HLL/CMO/HCD/SOIL-INV/CHC/PYA-WND/2024-25, DT. 11.12.2024. Miscellaneous Works
19 Soil Investigation for Construction of New Immunization Block at PHC Thillankeri, Kannur District, Kerala. HLL/CMO/HCD/SOIL-INV/PHC/TKRI-KNR/2024-25, DT. 11.12.2024. Miscellaneous Works
20 Soil Investigation for Construction of Pharmaceutical Industry in Vaidyaratnam P S Varier Ayurveda College Malappuram District, Kerala. HLL/CMO/HCD/SOIL-INV/VPSV/MLP/2024-25, DT. 11.12.2024. Miscellaneous Works