HLL Lifecare Limited manufactures and markets the widest range of contraceptives. The range includes male condoms, Female condoms. Intra-Uterine Devices, oral Contraceptive pills - both steroidal and non- steroidal, Emergency contraceptive pills and tubal rings
MoodsMoods is the flagship condom brand of HLL. It was launched in the year 1987 |
Tubal RingsTubal Rings |
NOVEXHLL WHD pioneered the management of DUB by providing an innovative research molecule from CDRI in management of DUB. A molecule which is being widely accepted by doctors across India. today, sale of NOVEX DS has crossed over 100 mn strips. |
CREZENDOPremium male condoms with a vibrating ring. |
USTADMale condoms |
RAKSHAKMale condoms |
Saheli PlusSaheli Plus is world’s first and only oral non steroidal contraceptive pill. ‘Saheli’ aka Centchroman (ormeloxifene 30mg) is the only non–steroidal pill with zero side effects available in the world. The pill, launched by HLL in 1991, is free from side effects like weight gain, nausea, vomiting, headache as it contains the molecule ‘Centchroman’. All common brands of oral contraceptive pills contain hormones like oestrogen or progesterone or a combination of both, only Saheli is free of these steroids and hence has no side effects. Most convenient and safest mode of contraception with a dosage of one pill a week. |
UNIPILLPrevents unplanned pregnancy that may occur due to unprotected sex or failure of contraceptives. |